关于 #RSS 技术的 #应用 #周边 #介绍 #方法 #教程 #指南 #讨论 #观点 #技巧

RSS = Really Simple Syndication / Rich Site Summary

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#观点 #历史
#Nooshub 官博上线,开篇果然重量级。How RSS became a Thing (again):盘点RSS的沉浮,归纳其相较社交媒体的优劣。

https://www.nooshub.com/blog/2020/how-rss-became-a-thing-again.html How RSS became a Thing (again)
How the #NYTimes came to support RSS #历史

Quote "The NY Times is not a sideline player in the history of RSS, as I’ve written before, they played a central role..."

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