关于 #RSS 技术的 #应用 #周边 #介绍 #方法 #教程 #指南 #讨论 #观点 #技巧
RSS = Really Simple Syndication / Rich Site Summary
频道 RSS Feed:https://feeds.feedburner.com/ALLAboutRSS
频道 bot:@channelmcbot
群组:@allaboutrss (福利:推特账号的 Retweet 会自动发至群组)
RSS = Really Simple Syndication / Rich Site Summary
频道 RSS Feed:https://feeds.feedburner.com/ALLAboutRSS
频道 bot:@channelmcbot
群组:@allaboutrss (福利:推特账号的 Retweet 会自动发至群组)
#Python #RSS阅读器
#feed2exec - programmable feed reader: feed2exec is a simple program that runs custom actions on new RSS feed items (or whatever feedparser can read).
https://feed2exec.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ (翻译: https://www.cnpython.com/pypi/feed2exec)
作者: https://twitter.com/theanarcat/status/1217510310917165056?s=20
#feed2exec - programmable feed reader: feed2exec is a simple program that runs custom actions on new RSS feed items (or whatever feedparser can read).
https://feed2exec.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ (翻译: https://www.cnpython.com/pypi/feed2exec)
作者: https://twitter.com/theanarcat/status/1217510310917165056?s=20