1️⃣「(Unofficial) Apple Developer System Status Feeds」
2️⃣「The British Weird RSS Starter Pack」
3️⃣「An RSS feed for Docker image updates」
4️⃣「RSS Feeds for Humans」
5️⃣「Awesome Dev News: Curated news for developers. Updated every hour」
6️⃣「BBC News RSS Feeds (that don't suck!)」
7️⃣「Discovering via social media without being on social media」
8️⃣「GeoFeeds: a single, unified feed-of-feeds from geo-related/adjacent blogs」
9️⃣ underlap.org's blogroll
🔟「Spoken Wikipedia Podcast RSS Feeds」 🎙
1️⃣1️⃣「A daily editorialization of Hacker News (with RSS)」
1️⃣3️⃣「BlogFlock: RSS feeds in public」
1️⃣4️⃣「Only Human Blogs」
1️⃣5️⃣「Ye Olde Blogroll: a humanly curated list of fine personal & independent blogs that are updated regularly」