本周 RSS #玩家 #心得 分享:第 28 期


2️⃣RSS使用的网站、订阅源与APP介绍分享」 #系列

3️⃣Getting up to date news the RSS way…

4️⃣5 big steps to digital freedom (Step 5)

5️⃣Miss Google Reader? Self-host your own RSS aggregator」 #YouTube

6️⃣The 3 best RSS readers for Mac in 2021

7️⃣Blogging never dies

8️⃣Dave Winer: Software Developer, Entrepreneur, and Writer」 #播客

9️⃣Boring Reading Stack

🔟记一次Tiny Tiny RSS(tt-rss)升级记录

1️⃣1️⃣FreshRSS: A Simpler Self Hosted RSS Manager

1️⃣2️⃣“Rewilding Your Attention”

1️⃣3️⃣The lives of two Stanford-students-turned-founders reveal tech’s misplaced priorities——Joshua Browder and Aaron Swartz were both technologists who attended the prestigious Silicon Valley school. But history treats them very differently」
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